Otchet O Rabote Vracha Anesteziologa Reanimatologa Visshej Kategorii
The purpose of this paper is to represent the application of rehabilitation technologies for rehabilitation for people with motor disorders. Assistive technology refers to a variety of devices and services related to their use aimed at helping persons with disabilities and special education/rehabilitation needs to function better within their daily context and achieve independence and a higher quality of life. Rehabilitation technology is used in the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities in the last 30 years, in order to enable execution of therapeutic processes that require a large number of repetitions. Traditional rehabilitation therapies are very demanding and economically burdensome for the health system of any country, and factors such as population aging and the expected lack of staff of health care, encourage innovation in the field of rehabilitation. Because detected and confirmed, neuroplasticity of the brain developed the concept of neurorehabilitation, which includes methods and technologies that encourage efficiency-preserved structure, and thus enhance the independence and quality of life of people with disabilities. Today there is a variety of modern devices for rehabilitation of which in this paper will be presented those currently on the market in Croatia and worldwide.
Borʹba Kommunisticheskoĭ partii za vosstanovlenie i razvitie sot͡sialisticheskogo narodnogo khozi͡aĭstva v poslevoennyĭ period, 1945-1953 gody I. Moskva: Vysshai͡a shkola, 1960. Perustiedot sopimukseen tehdyt muutokset osapuolet afganistan alankomaat albania algeria andorra angola antigua ja barbuda arabiemiraattien liitto argentiina armenia australia azerbaidzhan bahama bahrain bangladesh barbados belgia belize benin bhutan bolivia bosnia-hertsegovina botswana brasilia brunei bulgaria burkina faso burundi.
Robotic systems are believed to be used as standard rehabilitation tools in the near future. Studies conducted so far showed that robotic rehabilitation can be as effective as manually assisted training but a higher benefit should be desirable to spread its use in clinics worldwide.
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