Noti Iz Sumerek Kolibeljnaya Belli

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USC Shoah Foundation — The Institute for Visual History and Education is dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, a compelling voice for education and action.

The fifth meeting of project “eVET – Online Vocational Education and Training Platform / 2017-1-TR01-KA202-046541”, financed by Turkish National Agency under European Union Educaion and Youth Program Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA2) and coordinated by the Governorship of Istanbul is realized on February 14-15, 2019 in Rome, Italy. Ip booter xbox one The meeting was hosted by Marconi University.

Partners from Marconi University, Euregio-Berufsbildung e.V., Govenmentship of Istanbul, Ortakoy Zubeyde HMTAL and Bogazici University attended the conference. During the meeting, work performed to date is evaluated, testing plan of KA1 partnership platform is finalized.

After the discussion of managerial issues, certificates are given to attendees. The fourth meeting of project “eVET – Online Vocational Education and Training Platform / 2017-1-TR01-KA202-046541”, financed by Turkish National Agency under European Union Educaion and Youth Program Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA2) and coordinated by the Governorship of Istanbul is realized on November 29-30, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was hosted by Bogazici University ISRC. Partners from Marconi University, Euregio-Berufsbildung e.V., Govenmentship of Istanbul, Ortakoy Zubeyde HMTAL and Bogazici University attended the conference.


During the meeting, development phase of eVET platform and dissemination activities were evaluated. Certificates were given to attendees at the end of the meeting.