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* Open vs Closed pipes (Flutes vs Clarinets) This page compares the acoustics of open and closed cylindrical pipes, as exemplified by flutes and clarinets, respectively. An introduction to the woodwind family (and to sound waves) is given in This site discusses only cylindrical pipes. Instruments such as saxophones and oboes have approximately conical bores. For the behaviour of cones compared with cylinders (and the wave patterns in flutes, clarinets, oboes etc), see. For a background about standing waves, see from.
Open vs Closed pipes (Flutes vs Clarinets) This page compares the acoustics of open and closed cylindrical pipes, as exemplified by flutes and clarinets, respectively. An introduction to the woodwind family (and to sound waves) is given in How. Viral RNA w as ext rac ted us ing t he QIA amp V iral R NA Mi ni K it (Qi agen) according to the manufacturer ’ s instructions, and qRT-PCR for Zika virus was performed following the protocol of. Ustanovka kpp zf na mazda 6.
The flute (photo at left) is a nearly cylindrical instrument which is open to the outside air at both ends. The player leaves the embouchure hole open to the air, and blows across it. The clarinet (right) is a roughly cylindrical instrument which is open to the outside air at the bell, but closed by the mouthpiece, reed and the player's mouth at the other end. The two instruments have roughly the same length. The bore of the clarinet is a little narrower than that of the flute, but this difference is not important to the argument here. We compare open and closed pipes in three different but equivalent ways then examine some complications. • • • • • • Standing wave diagrams First let's make some approximations: we'll pretend a flute and clarinet are the same length.
For the moment we'll also neglect, to which we shall return later. The next diagram (from ) shows some possible standing waves for an open pipe (left) and a closed pipe (right) of the same length. The red line is the amplitude of the variation in pressure, which is zero at the open end, where the pressure is (nearly) atmospheric, and a maximum at a closed end. The blue line is the amplitude of the variation in the flow of air.
This is a maximum at an open end, because air can flow freely in and out, and zero at a closed end. These are what we call the boundary conditions. Open pipe (flute). Note that, in the top left diagram, the red curve has only half a cycle of a sine wave.
So the longest sine wave that fits into the open pipe is twice as long as the pipe. A flute is about 0.6 m long, so it can produce a wavelength that is about twice as long, which is about 2L = 1.2 m. The longest wave is its lowest note, so let's calculate.