Halal Haram List Of Ingredients To Avoid

Halal Haram List Of Ingredients To Avoid 4,0/5 689 votes

The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) is the peak Muslim body representing an estimated 200,000 Victoria Muslims and over 60 member societies. ICV offer advocacy and social welfare services while leading state and national initiatives on cohesion and harmony through community consultations and advice to Government. It has experience in building meaningful engagements, partnerships and projects with over 70 organisations (Muslim and non-Muslim) including over 20 Multifaith and Multicultural groups. Donations To make donations to the masjid or ICV initiatives.

May Allah reward you. Global

Jun 2, 2006 - What do I do to avoid consuming the pig products? I found a long long list of ingredients that are halal/haram (hope to memorize them!) but how.