Contoh Surat Memohon Sumbangan Program Ma

Contoh Surat Memohon Sumbangan Program Ma 3,5/5 7420 votes

SURAT MEMOHON SUMBANGAN DARIPADA SYARIKAT. In parallel to the activity mentioned above, this program is not only concerned about their needs alone, but there will be activities such as motivational session, games and sharing experiences with the community as well. 66361916 contoh-surat-mohon-sumbangan suria yahaya. Development of overseas programs by focusing on the needs of. The University of California and Massachusetts Institute of. Also the problem of the format of visits. Dengan memanfaatkan sumbangan saham Ford Motor. Permohonan bantuan pendidikan kepada. Perfect mask 52 premium edition keygen. Kahin minta saya membuat surat untuk studi.

SURAT MEMOHON SUMBANGAN DARIPADA SYARIKAT • 1. For those concerned, CONTRIBUTION / DONATION IN SUPPORT TO UNDER ONE ROOF PROJECT FOR UNFORTUNATE PEOPLE IN JALAN KOLANEL AHMAD SYAM,CIKERUH. In regards of the above matter, 2. We, the First Year Medical Student of Twining Programme between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia (UNPAD) are organizing a charity event called the UNDER ONE ROOF Project. We focus on conduction a humanitarian-based project with the unfortunate people living in Jalan Kolanel Ahmad Syam, Cikeruh. Download teeworlds rcon hack free free download. This program is entirely based on our intention to help lessen the burden of the unfortunate people.

The community living in Jalan Kolanel Ahmad Syam mostly can be categorized as having low economic status. The conditions that the community are staying in, it is very different than the ones we have in Malaysia. Due to that reason, our objective in organizing this event is not only by giving them donations but as well as helping them in every ways that we can.

In parallel to the activity mentioned above, this program is not only concerned about their needs alone, but there will be activities such as motivational session, games and sharing experiences with the community as well. The activities will be directed in small groups. We are hoping that by conducting those activities, the community would feel less burdened knowing that other people do care about them. Below are the details for our humanitarian project: Project: UNDER ONE ROOF ( DI HANDAPEUN HIJI ATAP) Venue: Jalan Kolanel Ahmad Syam, No.64, RT4/RW5 Cikeruh, Jatinangor. Date: 13 April 2014 Time: 0600 – 1700 UKM-Unpad: 36 members Community: 35 members • 6.

It would be our utmost gratitude to receive donation in terms of money or cheque in order for this project to take place. For your information, we are a little behind on funding by RM 1,000 (Ringgit Malaysia one thousand) or IDR 3,000,000 (Indonesian Rupiah three million). Any sort of donation in a form of money could be channel via ‘online banking’ to our Vice Treasurer, Nurul Ainin binti Roslan, with account number 70 (CIMB BERHAD) or 41-121 (CIMB NIAGA) 7. For any inquiries regarding the UNDER ONE ROOF Project, you may reach our Project Director, Muhammad Hafiz bin Yusree, +300 or via email and also our Project Vice Director (1), Nurulain Hanani binti Ngadenin, +192,

Together with this letter, I have also inserted our Proposal on our UNDER ONE ROOF Project for your reference. Any donations and contributions made on your behalf are highly appreciated.

• Yours Sincerely,... SYAHIRA NABILA BINTI KAMARUZAMAN Vice Secretary UNDER ONE ROOF Project First Year Medical Student UKM-UNPAD Twinning Programme (Batch 8) Tel:+245 Checked by,... MUHAMMAD HAFIZ BIN YUSREE Director UNDER ONE ROOFProject First Year Medical Student UKM-Unpad Twinning Programme (Batch 8) Tel: +300 Email: Approved by,..


DR ACHADIYANI, dr., M.Kes Ketua Prodi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran UNPAD.