Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider
Gta vcs hacked save data psp iso pc. Download free royal trux pound for pound rares. If you do not have the DLC, the mineshaft is closed, and the chalk markings will not appear. The entrance of the tomb requires Lara to have at least a bow with some arrows so she can get past the.
If you redefine HEADING_TITLE to ' instead of 'this is my changed text' then it'll display nothing because it's defined to nothing. So, all you have to do is *change the text* again. But change it to nothing. Deleting the whole definition will just cause HEADING_TITLE to show up where you don't want it. Fantastic, thanks very much.
Really should have checked that out for myself first but presumed that it would still show the title, but just with a blank space instead of the text. As it is, it completely removes it.