Candlestick Patterns Quick Reference Cards Pdf To Doc
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Did you click here first? If you did, stop reading right now and go through the entire Japanese Candlesticks Lesson first! If you’re REALLY done with those, here’s a quick one-page reference cheat sheet for single, dual, and triple Japanese candlestick formations.
This cheat sheet will help you to easily identify what kind of candlestick pattern you are looking at whenever you are trading. Go ahead and bookmark this page No need to be shy! Number of Bars Candlestick Name Bullish or Bearish? What It Looks Like? Single Neutral Neutral Bullish Bearish Bullish Bearish Bullish Bearish Number of Bars Candlestick Name Bullish or Bearish? What it Looks Like? Double Bullish Bearish Bearish Bullish Triple Bullish Bearish Bullish Bearish Bullish Bearish.