Asus Ptgd1 La Bios Update
Hi, I need a bios upgrade for ASUS PTGD1-LA any help is much appreciated.
Lg w2243s pf. I went to 'Monitor' - it was showing Unknown monitor and 1024:768 and I could not change anything - I tried 'Detect Monitor' with no results - a real irratation to me - I have always felt a sweet-spot should either be grayed-out or something should happen - even if it is wrong. I have now settled and hope to stay with my present installation of Linux Mint-17 MATE 64-bit V2 but only if I can lock in the resolution of my monitor. Tried KDE, Xfce, Mate and noticed on several, I had to load my Nivida drivers the first thing after installation and the nividia drivers (nividia-304 update) would pick up on my monitor - Acer 1600:900 - everything was great till I did my first reboot - then it would come up as Unknown Monitor with resolution of 1024:768.
I believe Aero only comes with ultimate, then again I know little about Vista As for the BIOS, It's likely that the board is identical to some other Asus board and therefor could use it's BIOS. A quick Google didn't give me the answer so you might want to look yourself if you haven't already or e-mail/call Asus and ask them if they know.
If that fails you can always make a photo of the board and post it, someone will probably recognize it. However in that case it's a big gamble so you better have some way to recover from a wrong flash.
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(ie hotflash on another board). My current system was origonally a compaq presario sr118uk which had an Asus PTGD1-LA mobo, these sorts of mobo's that come with pre built machines are never sold individually so are never on asus's (for example) website.
And as you say have absolutly no ocing options at all, i doubt a new bios release would change things. As Dan said, you may find a near identical board from asus and flashing the bios of that might work, it was too risky for me though. I did find for my particular mobo a hard mod, soldering all sorts of things to it, to raise the fsb manually and permenantly. Being too much of a noob at soldering i never tried it though Hope you find something or just save the pennies for a new mobo.